News Preparation

GlaGla Race 2022 : the big day!

The big day is in a few hours! 8th GlaGla Race from Talloires Lac d’Annecy with 3 races tomorrow morning at 10:30 a.m., one at 1:30 p.m. and one at 2:30 p.m. (see the complete program of the GlaGla Race 2022)

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Local weather forecast

Beautiful day. The sun is radiant from morning to evening. The kiss remains sensitive.

Minimum temperatures in plains and valleys: -5/1°C
Maximum temperatures in plains and valleys: 4/7°C
Lake temperature: 5°c

Alternative route over the long distance: 15 km

To avoid long-distance competitors crossing Sevrier Menthon with a moderate to strong crosswind, an alternative route may be decided if the weather forecast is confirmed.

Description: Arrived at buoy n°3 of the long distance, the competitors make a 1/2 turn instead of crossing and return to buoy 2 (Clos Marcel) to then follow the course of the short distance (buoy roc de Cher then bay of Talloires). The last part is identical to the initial course.

See access information in yesterday's article
View Safety Information
See the GlaGla Race 2022 program

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